Paper Title
The Influence of Students’ Learning Factor and Parents’ Involvement in their Learning and Suspension: The Application of Big Data Analysis of Internet of Things Technology
It is now facing the impact of low birth rate in Taiwan; dual enrollment distribution shortfall hit a new high in
recent years, universities of Taiwan are at the turning point of the times. Therefore, schools must retain students and train
more high-quality personnel in order to make effective market segmentation, and gain the competitive advantage. In the past,
the study of this problem is limited to the analysis and control of the use of students' learning materials to be static analysis
and forecasting, the results obtained are often not the distortion is not a reference value, the management of the universities
must be data-driven, built on the Big Data, specially. Could students complete peace of mind to complete four years of
studies in school, and become useful to society and industry personnel, It is depend on this process can be effective
monitoring and management just as Total Quality Management (TQM) manufacturing in general, and the implementation of
important projects of large data analysis based school management has become imperative for education 4.0. Could students
effective and complete peace of mind of the whole learning process depends on the degree of their involvement in learning,
but the parents involved in learning and involved in the degree of school teaching process has become a student can
successfully enroll and whether the smooth and peace of mind to complete the four years of university key factors?
Therefore, our project will be through the Internet of things (IoT) to collect data functions and parents to participate in the
system and the construction of export poll website, to design some of the school can be used to learn the information and
parents to participate in the learning process of information collection of things and cloud tools to effectively collect parents
to participate in student learning process dynamic Big Data, to study and assess the impact of Internet of Things learning
information and parent participation on student enrollment and wastage rates. Hoping to improve the application of
information technology, it is also expected that schools will be able to apply information technology to teaching and parents,
to improve students' learning outcomes and to improve enrollment and reduce student turnover. Therefore, this study would
like to collect data through the Internet; to design some of the learning process can be applied to data collection of school
things tools to effectively collect dynamic student learning process and parents participation Big Data, to evaluate and
analysis on the influence of students' learning degree and parents' participation in learning course on improving students'
admission rate and reducing willing rate. Hoping to enhance higher education information application ability, more desirable
schools can apply to the teaching of information technology to enhance student learning. The purpose of this study is hope to
answer the question of that students can study involved extensive collection of big data and dynamically, to help the school
construct differentiated out from other universities, then add other incentives, to highlight the school characteristics. In
today's low birth rate; if university specialization and differentiation, school will go wrong, to enhance the educational
quality of the school, then school content specialization and differentiation, it is the key for universities to get the
competitive advantage in the future.
Keywords- Low Birth Rate, Big Data, Total Quality Management (TQM), Education 4.0, Parents Participation