Paper Title
Utilizing Extra Device for user’s Authentication
System-security analyzes accredit. User’s private data are kept safe by authentication. System-security is maintained by two mainly used protocols: One-factor and Multi-factor protocol. The threats and defects of diverse security protocols are discussed here. This paper studies on MFAP and then provides the necessary data about existing protocols present nowadays such as bio metrics, fingerprint, etc, being used nowadays. Proposed method introduces an extra device for the authentication. Nowadays there exists PAD for storing the user’s private data, when connected to the system, it be-comes online and there might be a chance attack by the intruders. In order to prevent from attacks, a new upgraded system of PAD was being introduced, called as Off PAD and describes it workings and determines the proper enhancements that are to be performed on this OffPAD device. Keywords - Data origin Authentication, Entity Authentication, Biometric Authentication, Offline Personal Authentication Device (Off PAD), Multi-Factor Authentication Protocol (MFAP).