Paper Title
Home Security and Automation using Arduino and Sensors

In today’s modernized world, everyone relies more on technology than manual work. Automation has become very important in developing people’s life and enhancing safety and security procedures. Mobile phone, which is a common and handy tool, is nowadays very popular amongst people. With the help of Arduino and some sensors a standardized home automated security system can be made that is affordable and also helps in controlling the energy levels. This system using an GSM platform, is so designed that it senses the environment by receiving inputs from different sensors used and hence affects the surroundings by controlling LCD’s, speakers, motors and many more modules. Whenever something interrupts the security system a short alarm text message is sent to the user’s phone to alert him/her. This paper provides a new approach to raise the standard of a house by combining reliable and efficient technology enhancing automation with security in the house that is low cost and easy to access. Keywords - Arduino UNO, Sensors, Automation, Security