Paper Title
Adoption of IoT and Machine Learning in Automobiles for Driver’s Safety

Abstract - Life has never been easier thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT). Its potential uses are incomprehensible. Any device or equipment that is connected to the Internet via the Internet can communicate with another device in the IoT, a concept known as the Internet of Things (IoT). The Internet of Things (IoT) can be used in a variety of ways, including smart cars that are safer, more secure, easier to navigate, and use less fuel. The goal of this initiative is to save the lives of valuable human beings who are killed in road accidents. So we are proposing to create a system that not only eliminates accidents, but also takes appropriate action when they do occur. This study attempts to address the causes that lead to fatal crashes, as well as to implement safety measures. It is unthinkable to fathom a world without transportation, which makes it possible to travel to far-flung destinations and significantly decreases the time it takes to get there. However, the ever-increasing number of vehicles on the road must be taken into consideration. In addition to eliminating some of the most common causes of car accidents, the project also includes post-crash procedures. Keywords - Safety System; Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Vehicle Security