Paper Title
The Development of Graphical user Interface (GUI) to Reconstruct Surface of a Human Head using Beta-Spline
This study focuses on the development of Graphical User Interface (GUI) using MATLAB to reconstruct surface
from multi slice CT Scan Images of human head using Beta-spline technique. Since large data were involved in this
computation, parallel processing method was introduced in this study. The implementation of computation was applied using
“ARS” Cluster, a low-cost parallel laboratory in UiTM Shah Alam. MATLAB “pmode” platform with MATLAB
Distributed Computing Server (MDCS) was integrated in the cluster. The developed GUI displaysthe result of the surface of
a human head implementation with its computation time. The time taken for the parallel processing method produces
minimal computation time as compared to sequential processing.
Keywords - ARS Cluster, Beta-spline, CT Scan, MATLAB, Parallel, Reconstruction.
Author - Muhammad Syawal Abd Halim, Normi Abdul Hadi, Hanifah Sulaiman, Suhaila Abd Halim
Published : Volume-4,Issue-11 ( Nov, 2017 )
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Published on 2018-01-24 |