Paper Title
Risk Assessment and Management of Network Security Incidents through Organization Culture and its Challenges
Now a day it is very important to provide a high level security to secure our Network and valuable data. Intrusion
Detection or incident System identification is an essential technology in Network and data Security. [1]Currently researchers
have interested on intrusion detection system of the secret data has regularly more become a societal problem. Data leak
typically target specific organizations or persons, and a degree of risk involved in data security is considered part of normal
business. During a time intensive identifying the incident process, for example, incident may at times meet several new
terminologies. In such a scenario, the time required to discover and analysis the root cause of possible security incident
strength be influenced by the complication concerned in resolve the import of new terminologies encounter. [2]This research
aims to identify the causes of data loss by apply organizational hypothesis and analysis tools in order to make known the
mechanisms behind Network security incidents. Furthermore, this research discusses the relationship between organizational
goal and organization culture values in order to propose solutions for organizational weaknesses.
Keywords - Network Security Incidents, Organization Culture, Risk assessment, Risk management framework, Data loss
and challenges.
Author - Dharmendra Kumar, Ravi Singh Pippal
Published : Volume-4,Issue-11 ( Nov, 2017 )
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Published on 2018-01-24 |