Paper Title
Investigation in Introduction of Autonomous Vehicles
Autonomous vehicles, as subsystems in future smart cities, will contribute to reduce the air pollution in Saudi Arabia and any country around the world. Greenhouse gasses from transportation are one of the main causes of air pollution. Many developed countries are the world leaders in air pollution. However, Saudi Arabia is launching a new futuristic mega smart city which will be powered by renewable energy with zero emission.The vision 2030 emphasis that the country is working towards less fossil fuels use, and on relying on green energy. Advance automotive technology will play important role to protect the environment. This paper presents our investigation in the introduction of autonomous vehicles and how that could help to achieve sustainable future. We have conducted wide survey to establish if community and the businesses in Saudi Arabia are ready for the new technology. Survey results are presented and analysed. Keywords - Autonomous Vehicles, Transition, Smart Cities, Technology Acceptance
Author - Abdulaziz Aldakkhelallah, Milan Todorovic, Milan Simic
Published : Volume-8,Issue-10 ( Oct, 2021 )
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Published on 2021-12-27 |