Paper Title
The Non-Reasons of Artificial Intelligence: the Challenges of Ethics in the Design of Digital Technology
Abstract - For a critical framing of digital practices and social behaviors encouraged by Artificial Intelligence. This article aims to question the perspective of responsibility and ethics in the field of Artificial Intelligence. The logic of the functioning of AI systems and the implications that their devices and programs have on the way they interact with us are analyzed, addressing the question of AI's reflexivity and flexibility facing of the complexity of human culture. Do Artificial Intelligence systems perform intelligent actions, that is, self-aware, intentional and adaptable to contexts and circumstances, or are they actions without intelligence and motivation?At the same time, we can question whether the digital instruments it feeds and sustains (pltaformas) promote good socio cutural practices. The ethical challenge lies in the fact that Artificial Intelligence systems act and learn based on data and the correlations between them that are internally projected to them. In this sense, this paper articulates some theoretical positions on the design that Ai should have in order to be more responsible and ethical in its relations with culturally diverse human beings.
Keywords - Artificial Intelligence, Awareness, Infraethics, Human Rights in the Digital Age
Author - Vania Baldi
Published : Volume-9,Issue-4 ( Apr, 2022 )
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Published on 2022-07-14 |