Paper Title
Efficient Resource Allocation For Device-To-Device Using Time Division Algorithm
The Internet has made it simple for people to communicate with others because it is inexpensive and convenient.
The Internet shares the information is fast and seamless. Industrial wireless devices and networks are used for to send the
data efficiently and effectively. In this intended paper “To Controls the sleep program, the number of links to minimize the
power consumption and send the information without packet loss”. This paper proposes Energy-Efficient and lower power
consumption in Wireless Computing System.The lower power consumption is required in order to reduce the cost for factory
operation and improving source privacy for performing the protocol message format.
Keyword— Wireless Computing System, Low Power Consumption, Delay Aware Data Collection.
Author - A.Jainap Binth Kathoon, K.S.Archana
Published : Volume-3,Issue-5 ( May, 2016 )
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Published on 2016-06-04 |