Paper Title
Promoting The Time Of Crystal Set Suggestion Networks Near Efficient Power Management Technique
Sensor nodes are capable of performing several tasks such as computation, prepossessing and transmission of data.
This entire task uses power source which is basically battery. ThusPower conservation becomes most important concept in
wireless sensor network. In this paperI am presenting a power efficient technique ERPMT i.e. Efficient Power Management
Technique. The power consumption of Wireless sensor network which is using Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector
Routing (AODV) Algorithm is minimised along with the use of ERPMT.The ERPMT technique divides the sensor energy
into two parts which individually use for received or self-generated data. The packets which are sending are forwarded in
compressed form which further helps in less power utilisation. The result of simulation shows the comparison in the energy
consumption of the network with and without using of energy efficient technique. The NS2 simulator is used for showing the
result of simulation.