Paper Title
A Study On Brain Imaging For Security Biometrics

Biometrics deals with the use of biological or behavioural features of the body for security purposes. Security biometrics deals with the use of these features for security. In this paper, we implement Medical Biometrics for Security Biometrics. In this case, we use the interior parts of the body to provide authenticity. For example, use of heart, brain, kidney or any other part of the body. We use various medical technologies like Medical Resonance Imaging, Electromyogram, Electrocardiogram, X-Ray, etc for sensing the body parts. This paper deals with the review of such methods with a focus on Brain Biometrics for security purposes. Keywords—: Biometrics, biological, security biometrics, medical biometrics, X- Ray images, MRI images, Electromyogram, Electrocardiogram, X-Ray.