Paper Title
Secured Data Sharing In Publisher/Subscriber Technique Using Identity Based Encryption
Identification and confidentiality are the main objective of any distributed system. Provision of security
operations such as authentication and confidentiality is highly challenging in a content based publish/ subscribe system.
Identification is an essential mechanism in distributed information systems. The main concept is to share the secured data
between the subscribers using attributes,it may a weak notion but the concept of multi-credential routing makes it robust.
This paper presents the mainly 1)The idea of identity (ID)- based encryption in which the third party provides the public and
private key to the publisher and subscriber through one of its unique information it has provided during the time of
submission of credentials.2)It provides the pairing based cryptography to maintain the authenticity and confidentiality of the
publisher and subscribers by maintaining the secure layer maintenance protocol.3)The attributes helps to share data by
generating a secure route between the publisher and subscriber.4) The provision to attempt the three goals of secure pub/sub
system i.e. authentication, confidentiality, scalability by performing hard encryptions on the data to prevent the malicious
publishers to enter in the network,a thorough analysis of attacks is performed on the system.
Keywords: Confidentiality, Security, Identity Based Encryption, Multicredential Routing