Paper Title
Forest Fire Detection Based On Cross Layer Protocol Using WSN

Sensor networks offer many attractive low cost solutions to monitor environmental conditions. Over the years wireless sensor networks have been proving that they make things simpler, reliable and more importantly easy to implement and at comparatively lesser cost which have attracted many research efforts during the past few years and definitely, will keep attracting in the future years. WSNs have been extended and their designs have been advanced to support more complex applications, such as security, military, fire detection and health care related issues. In forest fire detection application, data delivered and reliability must be taken as important parameters in addition to energy efficiency, because data must be collected from the sources of events and be forwarded to the sink in real time with high reliability, otherwise the application may not fulfill its purpose. By using cluster based topology where energy can be conserved by distributing energy equally between nodes in the network. Based on this capability, the life time of the entire network can be extended. The cross layer based APTEEN protocol design has been implemented for the proposed application. Simulation results show that the proposed cross layer based protocol (APTEEN) can conserve energy for nodes such as life time of the network, delay, load balancing, algorithm complexity and reliability. Index Terms- APTEEN, Cross Layer, Cluster Based Routing, FFD, LEACH.