Paper Title
KL Cluster Nearest Neighbor Outlier Prediction Algorithm For Match Fixing In Cricket
In organized sports like cricket, match fixing occurs when the match is played to completely or partially to
predetermine the result of the game for few favors and kick backs violating the rules of the game. This sports corruption is
more lucrative than robbery or drug dealing. It cannot be done without cooperation from players or umpires participating in
the cricket match. To check whether any match fixing has occurred latest technology like data mining can be used. Data
mining is the process of extracting hidden pattern from the data. Data mining involves the extraction of implicit, previously
unknown and potentially useful knowledge from large data bases. In data mining outlier analysis is the technique used to
identify fraudulent activities like match fixing. K mean clustering technique is used to create K clusters. Nearest neighbor
prediction is used to predict L number of outliers from K clusters.
Keyword— Cricket, Match fixing, data Mining, Outlier, pattern