Paper Title
Graphical User Interface Based Solver for Su-Do-Ku Puzzles with Multiple Solutions
This paper describes a Graphical User Interface based solver for the SU DO KU puzzles with multiple solutions.
If a puzzle has multiple correct solutions, then, manual solving will be almost impossible. The described solver provides one
correct solution for puzzles that have multiple solutions. The solver implements the elimination, random assignment and
backtracking search algorithm to solve the puzzle. The solver is developed using Visual C++ and it is easy to use. The solver
is also powerful enough to detect puzzles that do not have even a single solution, and the user can redesign the puzzle. For
solvable puzzles, the solution is found in less than a second, which is and an advantage. The solver is encapsulated in an
installer along with some puzzles for users to install and practice. One major advantage is that the solver by itself is only 96
KB and the complete installer is only 140 KB. The solver is uploaded in the internet and can be downloaded and used any
Keywords- SU DO KU, Multiple Solution Problems, Backtracking Search.